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8k+ Brands Supported by Sarto
Nike logoAsics logoLogo of Zadig & Voltaire
Order clothing that fits
Accurate size recommendations for all body types.
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A showcase of the Sarto Pop-Up Feature
Example fit finder pop-ups in the hero section.
apparel categories
tailored brands
body types

Never order the wrong size again

Get measured
We work with real measurements. Take them yourself, or let one of our in-house tailors help you out.
An cropped screenshot of the body measurement input field of Sarto.
Check Sarto
Either browse our collection of fashion brands in-app, or scan your screen using your control panel.
A cropped screenshot of the IOS control panel with a Sarto button.
Know your size
Receive an accurate size recommendation based on your personal body measurements.
An example fit finder pop-up.
Sarto makes clothing sizes accessible. We let you know what size to order based on your actual body measurements. Order your next item with confidence, knowing it will fit like it’s made to measure.
An icon of a ruler.
In-house tailors
Let our in-house tailors help you take the perfect measurements.
An icon showcasing three people.
All body types
No matter your height or body shape, we’ve got you covered.
An icon of a magnifying glass.
Behind your size
Understand how an item will fit you, even before you've tried it on.
An icon of a compass.
Discover brands
Sarto helps you find the brands that fit your body best.
A screenshot of the Sarto fit finder detail page, containing size information.

A perfect fit with every order

A screenshot of a webstore, overlayed with Sarto fit finder features.
Just like Shazam, Sarto can be accessed right from your control panel. When viewing an item you like, simply swipe down, press Sarto, and we'll let you know which size to order through a pop-up.
An icon with two text bubbles.
Text recognition
Using text recognition software, Sarto understands what item you're viewing.
An icon with a shopping cart.
Any app or webstore
No matter how you're shopping, Sarto will be there to help you out.
An icon with a clock.
Five seconds
That's all we need, from a press in your control panel to your best fit.
An icon with two checkmarks.
New or used
Whether you're shopping Vinted or Zalando, Sarto will be there to make sure it fits.
Brands supported by
From contemporary designer to authentic vintage, Sarto supports over 8,000 brands. Discover your perfect fit for every single one.
Get Sarto